4 Approaches to Midyear Goal-Setting

While faculty and staff at many Folio schools traditionally set goals in August and September, that’s not the only time of year when goal-setting can be done. (In fact, some Folio member schools set goals mid-year every year!). If the

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Creating a Culture of Calm

Meredith Monk Ford Folio Executive Director   Like you, I had hoped that by this point in the school year, we would know what to expect from week to week. Seven months into the pandemic and over a month since

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Now is a Great Time for Goal-Setting

By Natika Stewart Don’t let the unusual start of the school year deter professional growth. This school year is like nothing you’ve experienced before. Understandably, the priority for school leaders, faculty, and staff has been to prepare for and implement

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Supporting Overwhelmed Faculty

by Meredith Monk Ford Executive Director  We were speaking to one of our schools last week about their use of myFolio this year.  They were concerned about the additional burden on faculty, as well as the concept of setting goals

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