From Tactics to Transformation: Why School Culture Matters Most

By Meghan Cureton & Meredith Monk Ford
As an educational leader and consultant, I’m often presented with specific requests. Schools might ask for help changing their schedule, developing a strategic plan, or boosting innovation. But I’ve learned that oftentimes these requests are simply a short-term solution for something more pressing and urgent.

Beyond the Tactic, Towards the Culture

Regardless of the initial question, the key lies in unpacking the “why” behind the desired change. What does success look like? What will a thriving learning culture look like in our school? What specific challenges are we hoping to address? Through guided conversations, we often discover a common thread: the desire for a culture of organizational learning, a learner-centered model where everyone thrives.

The Shift Towards a Learning Culture

The educational landscape is constantly evolving, demanding a move beyond compliance-focused cultures. Leading institutions are embracing collaborative learning within their communities.  The World Economic Forum highlights “curiosity and lifelong learning” as a critical skill for the future. This journey towards becoming a true learning organization starts with three pillars:

  • Collaboration: Empowering educators to work together fosters innovation and problem-solving.
  • Psychological Safety: Creating a safe space for learning, experimentation, and risk-taking is crucial.
  • Growth and Development: Moving beyond traditional evaluation to a plan focused on continuous improvement.

When your school culture is centered around these values, you empower your educators to thrive, innovate, and contribute to your school’s excellence.

How Folio Can Help You Get There

At Folio, when supporting new schools, we’ve always focused on understanding their “why” for using our platform. Now, we’re taking this a step further.  Our new “Folio Method Planning Canvas” starts by assessing your current professional learning culture and your vision for the future. With leadership clarity on the desired destination, we can collaboratively develop a plan, leveraging the myFolio platform to manage the systems and processes that enrich your learning culture.

Guiding Questions for Your Journey:

Articulate Your Destination:

  • What does your myFolio implementation vision look like?
  • Where do you want to be by the end of the year? In 3 years (as it relates to this myFolio implementation)?

Assess Your Current Position:

  • Where are you now related to your objective?
  • What current challenges will this strategy address?
  • How does this myFolio implementation align with your school’s mission/vision/values/or strategic plan?

Your Why:

  • Why does this vision matter?
  • What impact does it have on students? teachers? other members of your school community?
  • Why should people care about this work and how will it improve their working life and the lives of their students?

Click here for a printable version of these questions!

Learn more at our upcoming webinar!


[Webinar: 4/11/24, 12-1pm et] Creating a Culture of Learning: A Comprehensive Approach to Fostering Growth in Schools

Meghan and Meredith, who first crossed paths a decade ago during Folio training at Mount Vernon School in Georgia, have maintained a lasting synergy in their work. Recently, they collaborated to explore and share insights on fostering growth in schools. This webinar will focus on creating clarity around a set of shared practices and principles that will guide your school and support myFolio implementation.

Register Here


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