Supporting Teachers and Schools with myFolio

by Meredith Monk Ford
Folio Collaborative Executive Director 

We’re putting the finishing touches on the new features and enhancements coming to myFolio on August 10. As we finalize the exciting changes, I am reminded that while we’re enhancing the experience to make it more meaningful and intentional, we’re still pursuing the same bottom-line goal: helping schools create an environment where motivated, energized teachers feel supported to help students learn and thrive.

Yes, you’ll notice the new design and layout as soon as you log in to the myFolio platform. And it’s true that there is new functionality – expanded prompts for goal-setting, the creation of school-wide Themes, and a School Community feed where faculty and staff can share content across your organization, especially during remote teaching and learning.

But the new features in myFolio are based on what matters most and what you need. And while they may be more urgent or obvious now as we prepare for an unpredictable school year, those needs haven’t changed.

Faculty need clarity, consistency, and predictability around their work, especially in uncertain times. Their professional growth needs to be acknowledged and validated – and their growth needs to be visible to stay motivated and inspired. Their thinking and work need to be focused so they don’t feel anxious and overwhelmed by too many competing commitments. They need to feel that what they do matters and is tied to a larger purpose.

myFolio does that. Extensive prompts for developing practical and measurable goals give faculty and staff more agency over their professional growth. The expanded features help them recognize that they are learning and growing every day – even when it may not feel like it – and understand how their goals align with their school’s values and priorities.

As leaders, more than ever, there is a need to clearly define priorities and expectations. Schools need to know what and how faculty and staff are feeling, especially in the absence of being able to see this in person.

myFolio does that. The experience helps school leaders get very clear with faculty about expectations and responsibilities, and provides the structure for important reflection, observation, check-ins and conversation.

Schools need a strong culture and sense of community, with shared values, people supporting and helping each other, and everyone “paddling in the same direction.”

myFolio does that. We’ve added new features that connect faculty and staff around a common vision. The new School Community feed is the space where they can share insights and best practices, seek answers, and share those important moments of camaraderie.

Between now and the introduction of myFolio in two weeks – and especially as you begin the school year – we’re here to help. We have scaffolded programs and resources to prepare you for a successful start to the year:

  1. Use the resources (like the one below) to help your team strategize and align your priorities with the new myFolio.
  2. Schedule a free, 90-minute, one-on-one session with Folio’s Director of Member Success Natika Stewart; you’ll walk away with your school’s professional growth strategy and plan for the year.
  3. Register for one of the many webinars in the next few weeks where we’ll preview all the new myFolio features and enhancements.
  4. Let us know what you need – we’re here for you.

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