Note Templates Office Hours #2

Missed the Notes Workshop? Have clarifying questions about Note Templates?  Join our myFolio Office Hours, a dedicated time for you to ask questions and get hands-on guidance from the Folio team. During this session, you can: Get live clarification on: Note Templates […]

Mapping a Path to Change: Aligning Teacher Goals to Student Success

Join us to level up your opening school meetings and begin the year strong with Folio. This webinar is for school leaders who want to empower their teachers to set meaningful goals that drive student achievement. Presenters will share a […]


Note Templates Office Hours #3

Missed the Notes Workshop? Have clarifying questions about Note Templates?  Join our myFolio Office Hours, a dedicated time for you to ask questions and get hands-on guidance from the Folio team. During this session, you can: Get live clarification on: Note Templates […]

New Admin Bootcamp

Get ready to unlock the power of myFolio for your school! The myFolio Admin Bootcamp is designed specifically for new myFolio administrators. This two-hour program offers a comprehensive introduction to the platform, equipping you with the skills and knowledge to: Navigate myFolio […]


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